© RA Aggregates 2022

Sand & Mulch

Masonry Sand

A clean fine grained sand used to make mortar. Our masonry sand is double washed and is an all purpose sand that can be used for mason work, playgrounds, sand volleyball courts and leveling ground for pools, patios and walkways.

White Masonry Sand

Yellow Masonry Sand

Approximate Cubic Yards


Square or Rectangle: Length (in feet) x Width (in feet) x Depth (in inches) /324 = cubic yards Circle: 3.14 x Radius (in feet) x Radius (in feet) x Depth (in inches) /324 = cubic yards Triangle: Base (in feet) x Height (in feet) x Depth (in inches) /648 = cubic yards Oval: Length (in feet) x Width (both at midpoint in feet) x 0.8 x Depth (in inches) /324 = cubic yards

Approximate Coverage of

Gravels, Sands and Soil

Double Ground Cedar Mulch

This material is composed of Ashe Juniper trees (aka Mountain Cedar).

Double Ground Native


This material is composed of a variety of native trees grown in central and south Texas area.
Click here to Calculate Materials

Plaster Sand

Concrete Sand

Concrete sand is a washed coarse sand that is used in cement, bedding pipes and leveling ground for pools, patios and walkways.

Sand Fill / Cushion

An unwashed fine sand that can be used as a soil amendment, horse arenas or for leveling ground for pools, patios and walkways.

Sand & Mulch

Masonry Sand

A clean fine grained sand used to make mortar. Our masonry sand is double washed and is an all purpose sand that can be used for mason work, playgrounds, sand volleyball courts and leveling ground for pools, patios and walkways.

White Masonry Sand

Yellow Masonry Sand

Approximate Cubic Yards


Square or Rectangle: Length (in feet) x Width (in feet) x Depth (in inches) /324 = cubic yards Circle: 3.14 x Radius (in feet) x Radius (in feet) x Depth (in inches) /324 = cubic yards Triangle: Base (in feet) x Height (in feet) x Depth (in inches) /648 = cubic yards Oval: Length (in feet) x Width (both at midpoint in feet) x 0.8 x Depth (in inches) /324 = cubic yards

Approximate Coverage of Gravels, Sands and


Double Ground Cedar Mulch

This material is composed of Ashe Juniper trees (aka Mountain Cedar).

Double Ground Native Mulch

This material is composed of a variety of native trees grown in central and south Texas area.
Click here to Calculate Materials

Plaster Sand

Concrete Sand

Concrete sand is a washed coarse sand that is used in cement, bedding pipes and leveling ground for pools, patios and walkways.

Sand Fill / Cushion

An unwashed fine sand that can be used as a soil amendment, horse arenas or for leveling ground for pools, patios and walkways.
© RA Aggregates 2022