Frequently Asked
Can I pick up small
quantities of material?
Yes! Bring your pick up truck or trailer and we will
load you any quantity you would like. We sell our
materials by the ton. When you arrive check in at
the counter and you will be directed to our scale
where we will weigh your vehicle. We will then load
your material and have you return to the scale to
get a final weight. You can then head to the register
to make your payment. We also have a picking pile
with a variety of rocks you can pick through.
How do I know how much
material I need?
Use our “Calculator” tool and reference resource
below to assist you with approximate material
Square or Rectangle:
Length (in feet) x Width (in feet) x Depth (in inches)
/324 = cubic yards
3.14 x Radius (in feet) x Radius (in feet) x Depth (in
inches) /324 = cubic yards
Base (in feet) x Height (in feet) x Depth (in inches)
/648 = cubic yards
Length (in feet) x Width (both at midpoint in feet) x
0.8 x Depth (in inches) /324 = cubic yards
Do I have to buy a whole
No, we will sell you the quantity that you need. We
also have a picking pile that has a great variety rock
of different colors and sizes.
Why isn’t delivery included
with purchases?
This is a separate service. We charge the customer
what the trucking company charges us.
Do you deliver materials?
We offer this service through outside trucking
companies. Delivery is based on their availability.
How much material can I
put in my truck?
Pick up trucks come in different sizes and can carry
from ½ ton to 1 ton of material.
How many yards are in a
It varies the types of materials. Mulch is 4 yards
per ton, while decomposed granite is .70 yards per
ton. Please call the office to confirm conversions.
What are your Retail Yard
Rules, Return Policy and
Delivery Policy?